Tuesday, 25 September 2018

One more squad

This is just a quick update for the blog to show off another nearly finished squad of my Mortifactors. This is built out of two sets of easy to build Reiver boxes.

I am not a huge fan of the poses, but it was two snap together boxes with a bit of mix and match. I do prefer my other set of Reiver's which is from the whole box set.

Hope you like these guys and up next on the table is a squad of Hellblasters.

A squad of Easy to Build Reivers

See you next time!

Friday, 7 September 2018

A couple of other games

This post will be a bit different from the rest as it doesn't include anything of the 40k nature. Instead we look at a couple of other minis for some other fun games.

The first up is my Orlock gang for Necromunda.
6 of the 10 Orlocks of The Kiln Forged Fists
 From left to right we have Seb Warmbody, Ash Joist Welder (Champion), Marius the Breach Maker (Champion), Gord Scrap Gauntlet (Leader), Dano the Beater, Grimhand Sam.

The rest of the gang is Rick Hammer Wrecker, Merle the Mook, Wally (Juve), and Frankster (Juve).

So far I have played 3 games and won them all which is nice. Two against a different Orlock gang (using the sweet classic models), one against Cultists (using the nice Dark Vengeance box set gangers). I look forward to more games, maybe picking up another box set and some Forgeworld weapon sets if we ever get a campaign going.

Kings of War: Vanguard!
This is a 200 point army for Kings of Ward Vanguard from Mantic Games. I have really enjoyed the Kings of War system, and skirmish games are fun so this game must be fun right?

In this army we have the warband led by Fouzhul the Renewer (Necromancer), a banshee, werewolf, 3 ghouls, 4 revanents, 4 skeletons (yes it shows 6, I just painted some more up).

Revenants of the undead army
 I haven't played a game of this yet, but I am eagerly awaiting the final rules to play with my friends who have dwarves and elves to have some fun at the skirmish level.
Skeletons of the undead army

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Some WIP shots

Well this post isn't anything too crazy, just a couple of shots of some WIP items. The first is a couple of bases my friend asked me to do for his Blood Angels army.

Light on my desk isn't the best for picture taking apparently
Photos of the bases again

The bases are nothing fancy or anything and it was nice to get out of my zone of doing dirt and rock bases with some additional little features. The bases were three grits of sand, cork, Martian Ironearth and pretty simple.

Prime: Black
Base: Baneblade Brown
Layer: Skeleton Bone
Wash: Agrax Earthshade
Drybrush: Ushabti Bone
Drybrush: Ushabti Bone+Vallejo Off White
Wash: Agrax Earthshade+Lahmian Medium

The skull was done in the same way I paint my Mortifactors armour. 

WIP Reiver Sergeant
I put a picture of one of my Easy to Build Reivers here, the squad is nearly done, then I will be on to my favourite Primaris unit: Hellblasters.

Thursday, 30 August 2018

What a busy summer!

Well, I have not posted all that much to which I apologize. The summer has come and gone (and sadly not much new in the way of painting has been done.

Some HQ units

I have managed to finish 4 HQ options, which did include some conversion work which was fun.

The Chaplain was the special unit from the Dark Vengeance box, but I cut the end off the weapon (it, along with the shoulders and cape had Dark Angels icons) and replaced it with a piece from my standard Primaris Captain (who had it replaced with a skull, and still not done). I used Vallejo Plastic Putty to try and give the shoulder a look of old chipped bone to cover the Dark Angels icon. The cape was just multiple layers of Liquid Green Stuff.

Overall I am happy with how he turned out.

The middle two have been posted here before, but the Librarian has not. He is just a Primaris Librarian, who I felt like should be from the First Company (different shoulder trim and aquila), but wears purple robes since he is with the Seventh Company. I am sure it doesn't fit the lore, but wanted to do something different to break up the purple that would have been on the model.

Nearly finished squad

Next up is a nearly finished squad of Intercessors (minor kit bash on the sergeant with a power sword from the Vanguard Veteren set). I still need to finish the rims on the bases and put static grass and such on them. Overall I am happy with how they are turning out.

On the paint desk at the moment is a squad of Reivers (two sets of easy to build ones chopped up for variety) and then there is a pile of stripped plastic ahead.

The fall should prove interesting for time, as work will slow down a little bit, but my daughter is off to kindergarten (her first day is next week) so that will be a life adjustment.

Anyways, I hope to have more pictures soon, and will detail some battle reports eventually (Death Guard vs. Blood Angels).

Monday, 2 July 2018

Mortifactors Primaris Captain

Welcome to my second (nearly) finished mini. He looks a bit odd in this photo as he has just been varnished.

This is the same mini as a previous blog post, it is a pick up off of eBay, and couldn't turn down the price for it.

Yes it was a resin recast, I wish it was the plastic one, but this will have to do (and a fraction of the price).

It was a joy to put together, and I opted for the helmet head (used the bare one on my Lieutenant) to mainly decide how to paint the laurels on the Mortifactors.

I tried some new techniques on this mini such as using Lahmian Medium as a varnish on the gold and chest of the captain and was quite happy to see it not dull down as much as Army Painter Matte does to the models I have done before.

I tried a new plasma effect, which worked out better than it had on my Ultramarines, but still will take some practice.
Primaris Captain with Plasma Pistol and Power Fist

I have had more fun than I thought I would with painting the Mortifactors. It is a refreshing difference from the sea of blue (I still have so many Ultramarines to strip) and looks pretty cool to me.

Look forward to more pictures, and I can't wait to get the brush on the minis!

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

A strange turn of events

Well I have finished painting up my Death Guard (just picked up a Lord of Virulence to act as a Demon Prince of Nurgle). They are all finished until time and money allows me to pick up a few more toys for them.

So I have some unpainted Space Marines, and I have grown tired of looking at my blue army. I want to paint something other than blue.

So I will still be painting up an Ultramarine successor chapter. I flipped through the Codex and none appealed to me.

Well off to the internet!

After looking and looking I came across the one I will be doing.

The new colours of my army


I love painting bone colour (Kings of War Undead player with several thousand points) and still get to play as the Ultramarines.

So to start off I will be painting my lieutenant in those colours.
The start of my army!

Edit: I have painted a bit of him so far, I have chosen to do the 7th Company of the Mortifactors.

Nearly done!

Thursday, 31 May 2018

A long time coming

I have not forgot about this blog. 

Just a busy year so far with birthdays, anniversaries, sports (stupid FA Cup final, also the kid started soccer again this year).

I have been busy painting my Death Guard, because those models really have captured my attention. I did pick up some fun new stuff for my Ultramarines however.

I picked up a cool Brother Sergeant Sevastus from the Japanese Space Marines Heroes line on eBay, and after what felt like an eternity he arrived. I chopped of his silly grav pistol and went to the plasma pistol (most of my special weapons are plasma) to match the majority of my army. 

I plan on running him as either a Lieutenant or as a Sergeant (probably not as likely) when I get him painted up. 

His head comes from the following model.

Yes this is most definitely a recast from eBay
A cool Primaris Captain with Power Fist and Plasma Pistol (see more plasma). I picked it up on eBay for about $20, which is a steal when you see the regular price. 

Yes it is a resin recast from Russia, but there were no flaws in the model (no bubbles, very little mold lines) and he will be a welcome addition to the army.